President’s Conference 2024

The Maryland Bass Nation held it’s annual President’s Conference on March 10th at the Sykesville American Legion. The conference gives club representatives the opportunity to present questions or concerns face to face with Nation leadership.
Membership Director, Dick Berich, provided membership numbers and club status information. Treasure, Tim McGlenn, developed and presented the proposed budget for 2024. This budget proposal requires a club vote to approve, and a unanimous vote of approval had this operating tool moving forward.
Second Vice President, Charlie Clifford, gave a detailed report on the status of the reworked web site and Facebook page. Clubs are encouraged to participate with articles, club updates and photos.
New Tournament Director, Tom Bateman, presented some changes to launch and weigh in procedures. These are modest tweaks that should improve the tournament experience.
Next up, First Vice President Dick Brown reported out on youth and the 2024 PVA, which rolls in on June 7th through the 9th. Scholarship Chair, Jim (Pint) Kline made a quick announcement reminding all that the Butch Ward Scholarship is a funding tool that, as of late, has been under-utilized.
Conservation Director, Scott Sewell, provided review and updates.
Our special guest was author and lower Potomac River guide Captain Steve Chaconas. Steve focused on fishing lipless crankbaits and jerkbaits and his experience and insights perked the interest of even our most seasoned anglers.
It was great to see the high school group from Linganore in attendance. We need more of these young people participating on all levels of our Nation.
The 50/50 raffle and an auction of oil and props produced additional revenue to the youth program and our general fund.
The meeting concluded with lunch catered by Mission BBQ.
As a heads up,p this conference typically takes place on the second Sunday of March so go ahead and mark it on your calendar for 2025.