How to form your own MBN Kayak club! (And traditional clubs too!)

Are you interested in creating an MBN kayak club? The process is easy.
– Step #1, Find at least 5 of your friends that would like to form a club.
– Step #2. If not already a member of BASS, join. Here’s a link
– Step #3, Create a BASS Nation club via the BASS website. Here’s the link
o You’ll need:
§ Club name (Pick a good one)
§ State (Maryland)
§ Club address
§ Club President’s name (you decide)
§ Club Secretary’s name (you decide)
§ Fill in the names of your members (must be at least 6 members)
§ You’ll hear back from BASS notifying you that your club has been created.
– Step #4, You’ll hear form Maryland Bass Nation to discuss ‘next steps’ (i.e. club fees, BASS Nation Dues, MBN dues, etc.)
– Step #5, Create/Establish your new club’s bylaws/rules (this is so easy! We have templates)
You’re in!
Clubs are grassroots, meaning what your club does (i.e. meetings, club tournaments, etc.), and how (i.e. when? where? Etc.) is all up to you.
State level operations, activities, tournaments, etc. are governed by Maryland Bass Nation Bylaws and Standing Rules. Documents can be found on our website ‘resources’ page. Please be patient as we incorporate the MBN Kayak Division guidelines into our Standing Rules document.
Questions? Ask here or send an email to
Stay tuned! More to follow.