Maryland Bass Nation 2023 President’s Conference

This years President’s Conference will be held on Sunday, March 12 at the Sykesville American Legion Hall. Doors will open at 8:00 AM and the meeting will begin at 9:00. Each club can send at least two representatives. What with a handful of coming changes this is the perfect opportunity to field and answer any questions. Our guest speaker will be DNR biologist and Black Bass manager Dr. Joe Love. In addition to a report on the over health of the fishery, if there are any specific issues you would like Joe to address, please let me know so we can forward those requests. Donuts will be available in the morning and right now it looks like we will have lunch catered by Mission Barbeque. We will hold a 50/50 raffle and, if we can acquire enough items, we’ll see about holding an auction, something we haven’t held in a while. Hope to see every club in attendance.
Roger Trageser