2018 President’s Conference, March 11th

2018 President’s Conference
The 2018 MBN President’s Conference will be held on Sunday, March 11 at the Sykesville Maryland American Legion located at 7327 Slacks Road, Sykesville, MD 21784. The meeting will begin at 9:00 AM. Donuts and coffee will be available in the morning with a lunched served at 12:00.
In the past these meetings have usually extended into the early afternoon but we have a 1:00 PM program set in place for invited prospective members. We are also expecting a handful of hopeful future members from the University of Maryland Bass Fishing Club (Go Terps).
Our guest speaker at both functions will be former radio and TV talk show host and Potomac guide Steve Chaconis. Steve’s become a close partner with the MBN helping with the Smoot’s Bay project as well as being a Black Bass Advisory Sub-committee member and supporting our tournament angler endeavours. His morning talk should be focused on the current state of the Potomac River while his presentation in the afternoon will be focused on tactics and techniques for fishing the Potomac. At least I think that’s what he as planned. Never know with Steve. He may surprise me.
We will take care of business as usual in the morning with an emphasis on updates being short and to the point. Questions will be taken but there will most likely need to be a time cap on certain topics. For those clubs that have already indicated their attendance a copy of the proposed budget will be emailed to you prior to the meeting. This way you can review and have any questions prepared. If you plan on attending but have not given us your notice please drop a line to Dick Berich.
A MotorGiude X5 80FW will be there for our auction but at this time there is really little else on the table. You guys could help. If you have any contacts for donations or any good items yourselves that could go on the table then bring them.
And by all means guys when the morning session is completed don’t feel like you have to go running for the door. Please stay for the afternoon program. Who knows you may learn a thing or two or even find a future member.