Looking back at The Capital Clash Paralyzed Veterans of America (“PVA”) Bass Tournament event held on the Potomac River out of Smallwood State Park in Marbury, MD (Charles County), is filled with pride. This is the last stop in the PVA national trail, and their champion is crowned at the Capital Clash.
Devoted Bass fishermen and women all over the world know and recognize the
B.A.S.S. logo and Bassmaster tournament series name and magazine. Most serious bass anglers only dream of someday weighing their tournament catch on the Bassmaster stage. Well, that is exactly what happened for the PVA anglers Capital Clash Bass tour championship tournament (a B.A.S.S.-sanctioned event held June 10th – 11th, 2023). It was the first time in 28 years’ history of the PVA Bass tour that B.A.S.S. officially held the tournament weigh-in on the Bassmaster stage.
Having Cris Bowes, B.A.S.S. Vice President of Tournaments and B.A.S.S. Nation and National Director, G.L. Compton, conducting the weigh-ins on the Bassmaster stage added such a special experience to an already great event.
The tournament is a two-part tournament in the boat division where the PVA anglers fish the first day solo with points for the National PVA Championship on the line. At the end of the day the PVA crowns their Veteran National Champion at the awards banquet held at the LaPlata, MD, American Legion. The Veteran National Champion then moves on to fish in the B.A.S.S. Nation National Championship.
On Sunday, the PVA angler fishes with their boat captain or an able-bodied boat partner as a team for additional awards and prizes.
The PVA also holds a bank division for those who cannot go out on a boat. The bank division is also a two-part tournament where the anglers fish for the individual National title as well as the bank angler Capital Clash tournament win. On Sunday the bank anglers also pair with another bank division angler for the bank division Capital Clash team championship.
Many of the PVA anglers travel from all over the county to fish the PVA National Tournament Trail in hopes of making it to the B.A.S.S. Nation National Championship, very similar to the State Nation anglers in hopes of making it to the Bassmaster Classic.
To host a tournament of this magnitude truly takes a village. There are so many pieces of the puzzle that must come together to make this event a success. There are many people and organizations who generously give of their time, resources, donations and manpower. This Event does not just happen. It is the culmination of year-long planning, organizing and partnerships to make it all work. Each and every piece of the puzzle comes together to host this wonderful event.
We have formed a wonderful partnership with the PVA to help host this event for our injured veterans and active-duty military, as well as others with limited mobility.
The American Legion in LaPlata is such an amazing partner. They donate their facilities and banquet hall, prepare the picnic-style dinner on Friday evenings, registration and partner pairings, and host a wonderful banquet on Saturday evening. Their wonderful support is vital to the success of this event.
I’d like to thank the amazing volunteer boat captains and able-bodied boat partners who give of their time and resources to take the PVA anglers out in the boats for a much- needed weekend of outdoor recreation and fellowship. Likewise, I’d like to thank the bank division volunteers for helping to make the bank division such a special event for the anglers. When reflecting on an event like the Capital Clash PVA Championship event, we are blessed and fortunate to give back to the men and women of our Country’s Military as a small way to show gratitude for their service. Their sacrifice for this Country is why we are able to enjoy the freedoms so many take for granted.
The Committee made up of Ron Hines, Jim Kline, John Neal, Roger Trageser, Karl Lehman, Harry Lehman, Tracy Sprecher, Mark Hayas, Jennifer Purser, Neal Lazarus, and Dick Brown, all have been such blessings with whom to work; all doing their part to make the event such a special occasion. There are so many others who volunteer their time and resources who all work together to make it all happen, including those who help with parking, backing the boats in and out of the water, and assuring the anglers get in and out of the boats safely. Ground volunteers who should not be left out are: Greg Ashley, Ralph Matlack, Chris Davis, Howard Wescott, Roberta Nave and Gail Patterson. Thank you to Randy Richards and Brian Nutter for donating the water for the vent, Indian Head Marine Base for the tables, chairs, tents for important much-needed shade, and the Marines who help with the safety of the anglers.
We couldn’t do it without the amazing support of our sponsors who give their financial support to the Capital Clash event. Our wonderful sponsors also Include Cyber Event, Twin Oaks Consulting, Maryland B.A.S.S. Nation, Maryland Park Service, Smallwood State Park, Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Team Electric, Richard W. Brown, Jr., Insurance Agency, Columbia Technology Partners, Sunbelt Rentals, Marbury Fire Department, Ardent Rods & Reels, Bass Pro Shops at Arundel Mills, Barley’s Party Rentals, Jimmy Kline Leathercraft, Planet Works, Mark Hayas/Gone Fishing, and Rich & Megan Welden for the amazing photography of the event.